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Shiba Inu alerts its community about possible scams and offers 5 tips to stay protected

The Shibarmy Scam Alerts account, an X account dedicated to reporting scams and protecting the Shiba Inu community, has published a post warning about possible problems with the wallets.

To be exact, the post, echoed by UºToday , strongly recommends Shiba Unu users not to connect their wallets containing SHIB, BONE, LEASH, ShibTheMetaverse, Shiboshis or any other assets to unknown dApps .

They also ask the community to be cautious and aware of the potential risks of this type of activity, as well as several keys to protect themselves from scams or those hidden in information of a dubious nature.

Shiba Inu Scam Prevention steps

The first thing they warn is that you should be careful with phishing dApps. Often, cybercriminals create dApps almost identical to legitimate platforms associated with SHIB, BONE, LEASH, Shiboshis, MV or other assets

The second, but very related, thing is to be very attentive to fake dApp accounts, taking into account the same advice. There are many scammers who create fake accounts claiming to represent reputable projects or services related to the Shiba Inu ecosystem.

Third, it warns about the potential danger of unsolicited messages, as scammers may use email or chat platforms to imitate known projects or team members linked to SHIB, BONE, LEASH, Shiboshis, MV or other assets. In this sense, it is essential to always confirm the identity of the sender before acting.

Fourth, it is very important to look at the spelling or format of the token names . Scammers like to invent tokens with names eerily similar to well-known ones, hoping to fool unsuspecting investors.

Consequently, before interacting with any dApp, it is key to ensure that you are dealing with the official name of the token and the details that accompany it.

Finally, you have to be careful with unofficial channels . Instead, they should stick to the official communication channels of the Shiba Inu ecosystem projects or groups. It is also important to refrain from conducting financial transactions or providing sensitive information through unofficial channels.

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